Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Winter Soup Recipe For Busy Working Life People

There are many not healthy body reaction syndrome can be found in modern working live level people, example syndrome like always felt like the eye-sight is getting worse and with some dizzy effect, easy to get tired very quick, less concentration, easily felt cold on feet and palm and always sleepy. These problems are potentially due to lack of exercise and no healthy diet.
In Winter, according to Chinese medicine doctor, winter is the best time to refine and tune your body with eating some Chinese herb soups and meals and its serve two purposes either nourishing and repair the injured parts inside the body. As in Winter season is where the body really rest.
Here is an easy and very practical recipe for people who always felt energy less, tiring, sleepy, not enough stamina - Red Ginseng Soup or Drink
4 gram of Red Ginseng, 2 pieces of red dates, 2 pieces of dried longangs, 2 cube cane sugar, and 100 ml of water.
a. Cut the Red Ginseng int small thin slices
b. Rinse red dates and dried longan
c. Remove seed from red dates and slightly mashed it.
d. Put all ingredient into stewing pot, add the water and cane sugar and stew for 90 minutes.
Or you can use boiling hot water to soak all ingredient for 60 minutes in a good thermal bottle before drink it.
Some advise while taking ginseng, it is not recommended and avoid taking any carrot as it will makes ginseng ineffective.
Exercise more to maintain healthy life style.

Source: articlesnatch

The New Busy is not the too busy. Combine all your e-mail accounts with Hotmail. Get busy.

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